2.1 Selecting a Focus

2.1 Selecting a Focus

Use Case Overview and Value

Many DOTs will want to use this guidance to improve a targeted asset program. In this application, a DOT can evaluate and improve how data is defined, collected, accessed, analyzed, and used in that asset program’s decision making processes.

DOTs may also target a specific data life-cycle area to identify improvements benefiting the TAM program (or enterprise) at large.

It is not advisable to undertake assessment of multiple data lifecycle areas without narrowing the focus to an individual asset program. With such a broad scope, achieving meaningful results is impractical at best.

Asset-Specific Focus

Improve outcomes or prepare for a major system or business process change within a specific asset program. Bring together diverse, informed perspectives in a well-documented discussion of asset related needs and possible improvements to maximize the value of this effort. Central office program management and analysts, district decision-makers, field staff, and other key stakeholders should be involved to raise awareness of key contexts and challenges faced across the program and identify meaningful improvements.

Area-Specific Focus

Improve data and information systems, tools, practices, and techniques within a given data life-cycle area, advancing related TAM program capabilities. Achieve desired results by including asset management staff and business system owners, as well as information technology and business support staff.

Area-Specific Focus
Anticipated Value by Data Life-Cycle Area
Specify and Standardize Data
  • Advance and standardize asset related data models, including location referencing, resource allocation, and project design standards.
  • Define and implement enterprise metadata and governance programs.
Collect Data
  • Streamline collection of asset and project data through standardized tools and multi-purpose collection programs.
  • Capture public opinion and decision-maker values to support cross-asset and/or cross-program investment prioritization.
Store, Integrate, and Access Data
  • Explore cross-functional data integration initiatives and examine enterprise data and information system solutions.
  • Increase internal and external stakeholder access through TAM related data warehouses and dashboards.
Analyze Data
  • Develop advanced, cross-asset resource allocation or multi-objective project selection systems, processes, or tools.
  • Provide enterprise business intelligence and/or analysis solutions meeting TAM program needs.
Act Informed by Data
  • Establish enterprise performance targeting and project prioritization programs.
  • Advance data-driven, project-level design and scoping decisions.
  • Improve agency infrastructure and equipment maintenance practices.
Asset-Specific Focus
Anticipated Value by Data Life-Cycle Area
Specify and Standardize Data Standardize Data and Information Meaning and Use
  • Identify where existing asset data standards are not serving the needs of various stakeholders.
  • Examine how location referencing and design file standards are inconsistently applied between various asset systems and processes.
  • Raise awareness of resource allocation and decision-making values and criteria, identifying inconsistencies between field, central office, and executive values.
  • Improve understanding and involvement in metadata- and governance-related activities.
Collect Data Deliver Asset Data Collection Needs, Improve Data Quality and Generate Efficiencies
  • Identify asset data collection needs, technologies, or efficiencies within the asset program.
  • Examine field based tools and systems to collect needed project and maintenance information.
  • Capture public perception and decision-maker values to inform asset priorities and decisions.
Store, Integrate, and Access Data Increase Data Access and Integration within the Asset Program
  • Evaluate database tools and structures to ensure data is stored and accessed efficiently and able to be integrated across various asset life-cycle systems and workflows.
  • Examine other data sources (such as revenue, budget, expenditure, demand, utilization, or environmental information) needed to improve asset decision-making.
  • Explore field data access needs, public data access needs, and data access security considerations.
Analyze Data Advance Analytical and Reporting Capabilities Supporting Asset Decision-Making
  • Evaluate TAM analysis capabilities, including improved tools, practices, and environments.
  • Identify methods to improve asset performance prediction, optimization, and prioritization models.
Act Informed by Data Improve Asset Management Decision Quality and Outcomes
  • Consider methods to integrate data into network-level resource allocation and prioritization decisions; project planning, scoping, and design; and infrastructure and equipment maintenance.