AASHTO TAM Data Assistant

AASHTO TAM Data Assistant Quick Reference Guide (Appendix I)
The web-based AASHTO TAM Data Assistant is designed to support a streamlined user experience through the self-assessment, improvement identification, improvement evaluation, and results summary of the Guidebook process.

AASHTO TAM Data Assistant Access

Tool Organization

The tool is organized around the formal use cases and process described in Chapter 2 of the Guide. This organization results in five main pages linked from the Home Page.

  1. Create.This page allows the user to create new assessments. The user can have an unlimited number of individual assessments.
  2. Assess and Select Improvements.This page allows the user to assess and document their current state of practice, desired state, and identify potential improvements against the 51 individual elements of the technical framework.
  3. Evaluate Selected Improvements.This page allows the user to prioritize their selected improvements, while also evaluating anticipated implementation impact and effort, as well as identifying potential challenges.
  4. Assessment Results.This page provides summary results in a format useful for communication.
  5. All Assessments.This page lists the assessments associated with the user’s account, and can be used to easily navigate to any assessment the user has created.

Page Details

Login Page

The login page prompts the user to enter their credentials in order to access the tool functionality. If a user has forgotten their login information, they are able to retrieve that information using the email address they associated with their account.

New users are also able to create a new account from this page.

Assessment Login Page Functionality
Home Page

After logging in, the user is brought to the home page. From this page, new assessments can be created and previous assessments can be viewed. A dashboard summarizes information from the most recent assessments selected by the user, and more information about the tool is provided below.

Assessment Home Page Functionality
Navigation Menu

Each of the framework elements has its own landing page – color-coded to match its parent area’s color scheme.

Navigation Menu Functionality
Create an Assessment Page

This is where the user will create new assessments, including individual and group assessments. Each assessment can be refined to a specific subset of the assessment areas within the Guidebook technical framework.

Create an Assessment Page Functionality
Manage Participant Page

Invite participants to join a new group assessment and set which steps and areas each participant will contribute to. All of these elements may also be edited from the Manage Participant List page at any time.

Users will be directed to the Initiate Participant List page if they choose to Create a Group Assessment.

Initiate Participant List Page Functionality
Assess Benchmark Levels and Select Improvements Page

Each element has its own page and assessment table. To complete the self-assessment, click to select the boxes associated with the current and desired practice levels and the potential improvements. Each is highlighted when selected.

This functionality replaces the need for the print response templates found in Appendices A-E.

Benchmark Assessment Page Functionality
Improvement Evaluation Page

This page collects and displays the improvements selected by the user. It features a number of tools to aid in navigating the improvement evaluation process.

Improvement Evaluation Page Functionality
Results Page

This page provides a results summary useful for reviewing outcomes and summary.

Results Page Functionality
Excel Export

The user may export their results from the Assessment Landing page and Assessment Menu on any of the assessment pages. The export creates and downloads an Excel spreadsheet with three worksheets: 1) Benchmark, 2) Evaluate, and 3) All.

  1. The Benchmark sheet contains the current and desired practice levels for every element analyzed in the assessment.
  2. The Evaluate sheet presents information about each selected improvement, including its priority, impact, effort, and any identified challenges. It includes only the name and description of any unselected improvements.
  3. The All sheet joins the Benchmark and Evaluate results, organizing them by both element and improvement.
My Assessments Page

Users may access this page at any time from the main Navigation Menu. All assessments are available on this page including group and individual assessments, completed and in progress assessments.

Clicking a row will take the user to that assessment.

My Assessments Page Functionality
Individual Assessment Page

Opening an individual assessment brings the user to this landing page. The dashboard provides all details regarding the assessment, and buttons link to the possible assessment actions.

Individual Assessment Page Functionality
Group Facilitator Landing Page

The group facilitator landing page is where users manage and administer the group assessments. The page contains information about the assessment, participants and their progress.

Group Facilitator Landing Page Functionality
Consensus Assessment Page

Facilitators of group assessments may access this page which maintains the details of the consensus assessment. Facilitators can enter the assessment, view their results, and edit the assessment details.

Consensus Assessment Page Functionality