UDOT has made significant investment in 3D design with a goal of streamlining the data flow and management from pre-construction through to maintenance.
Since 2016, UDOT has awarded 11 projects with the 3D design model as the legal document (MALD). In 2018, UDOT awarded it first MALD project without cutting sheets (which were previously included on MALD projects for information only).
UDOT is now looking to develop a repeatable process to maintain the 3D model data through construction and beyond using mobile devices in the field to capture as-built details.
Subarea: Asset life cycle data integration workflows (C.2)
Element: Project development to project delivery (C.2.b)
UDOT will export the 3D model data from Bentley software using FME to bring the features and all the model attributes into a 2D GIS representation.
Step 2: Locate AssetThe model data will be loaded onto mobile field devices and utilized by field personnel to locate the asset and update attributes. If the location is not accurate, an updated features location can be collected. Mobile devices are connected via s-built Bluetooth to rovers to support the required level of location accuracy. One important consideration made by UDOT was to determine an acceptable level of tolerance for each asset type so that field personnel can make consistent judgments around whether new location collection is or is not required.
Step 3: Upload Asset AttributesThe updated, as-constructed attributes and locations, if required, will then be uploaded to the primary enterprise database in the organization’s master GIS repository, UPlan, as a new layer allowing users to see the as-built asset condition. Going forward, UDOT will be able to construct 3D representations of the asset using the Z coordinates retained from the original 3D model.
LiDAR data as asset baseline, 3D digital representation of assets
LeadershipExecutive endorsement and vision from onset
ExpertiseKnowledge of tools and software to support required integration requirements
CoordinationCross-divisional coordination is required to drive consensus and understand target use
ChangeNew processes for how asset data is stored, managed and accessed